Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Day 10 - My "NEW" Job

Hi All,

Today is Day 10 of my NEW (old job). I'm crazy busy as ever, but I want you to know that I miss you all very much.  Some of the things that I've been up to:

1. Collecting ALL Laptops (finally finished today, backing them up, and working on creating the roving MAC LAP TOP LAB. It just should be up and running in no time. 

2. Cleaned out the OLD LAB and created a bigger space for Tech Team, Robotics, Chess Team, teacher meetings, etc. Greg thought of the name "MULTI-LAB" and Mrs. Sondergaard approved it and is now calling it the MULTI-LAB. 

3. Trying to update web-site (when I get a chance to sit -- which is never). 

4. Fixing smartboards.

5. Ordering MORE TECH!

6. Rainy days are not my favorite because I have to help with lunch duty which basically is from 11:00 - 1:00....and there goes 1/3 of my day. 

7. Day 7 -- I worked super hard during the day and enjoyed the Ellen Show at night. They gave me a VIP ticket to be in the audience. I had a great time!

8. Meetings, meetings, and more meetings. 

9. Trying to help the 3rd grade tech team (which they started on their own in October). They are all so cute and tech savvy. 

10. Getting ready to make the 21st Century Skills Homework the same for the entire school. Mrs. Sondergaard wants everyone on google apps, using google drive, Discovery Education, Kahn Academy, Spelling City, incorporating technology in academics, and learning how to use chrome books the most EFFICIENT and PRODUCTIVE way and not just for iReady. You are way ahead since we've done every single thing on this list.

There's so much more on the to do list, but it's only Day 10.  I have two offices. One is in the main office (I share it with Mrs. Winder and Mrs. Swan), and my after school office is in the Multi-Lab. I hope you are all having a wonderful time with Mrs. Camelio. She is so great to work with. I'm glad she is the one that took over for me. You are in great hands!

I have many things to post tonight, so stay tuned...Jeopardy, tech team jobs for the week, etc 

Have a great rest of the week & if I don't see you, have a relaxing break!

Mrs. Faieta

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